Svetovno gospodarstvo se sooča s podražitvijo in pomanjkanjem materiala in energentov, medtem ko se odpadki kopičijo ter povečujejo onesnaženost na globalni ravni. Trajnostno in krožno gospodarstvo strmi k spremembi obstoječega poslovnega modela in k izboljšanju managementa resursov in odpadkov z namenom dolgoročne trajnostne uspešnosti. Uvajanje trajnostnih iniciativ, ki temeljijo na osrednjih sposobnostih podjetja, se nahajajo v samem bistvu krožnega gospodarstva. V podjetju Sinter smo s pomočjo delavnic trajnostnega razvoja in timskega dela opredelili naše osrednje sposobnosti, ključne vrednote ter bistvene trajnostne izzive na katerih temelji spodnji dokument. S tem spodbujamo trajnostno držo podjetja in zaposlenih ter skrbimo za promocijo trajnostnih iniciativ, ki prispevajo h skupnemu dobremu.  

Financira Evropska unija – NextGenerationEU 


The world economy is facing rising costs and shortages of materials and energy, while waste is accumulating and pollution is increasing globally. The sustainable and circular economy is looking to change the existing business model and improve resource and waste management for long-term sustainable performance. The introduction of sustainability initiatives based on the core competencies of the company are at the very heart of the circular economy. At Sinter, through sustainability workshops and teamwork, we have identified our core competencies, core values and key sustainability challenges on which the document below is based. In doing so, we encourage a sustainable attitude in the company and in our employees, and promote sustainable initiatives that contribute to the common good. 

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU



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